Implementation of Google Analytics GA4 for Niya Networks

Ebaa Marouf

Project overview

In today's digital landscape, understanding user behavior and gauging the effectiveness of marketing channels is paramount. Niya Network, in its pursuit to enhance digital user experience and marketing efficacy, sought to harness the power of Google Analytics GA4.

Project Objective

To implement Google Analytics GA4 on Niya Network's website, with a focus on:

    1. Monitoring the performance of various marketing channels.
    2. Tracking website visitor behavior.
    3. Identifying stages in the registration process where potential users disengage.


1- Setup

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  • Integration & Setup:
    • Integrated GA4 with Niya's website backend.
    • Configured essential tracking parameters specific to Niya's digital goals.
  • Tag Manager Configurations:
    • Integrated Google Tag Manager with the website to streamline tag deployment for GA4.
    • Set up various tags to capture specific user interactions like button clicks, form submissions, and video plays.
    • Configured triggers to fire tags based on particular events or thresholds, ensuring accurate data capture without redundancy. For example, a trigger was set to activate whenever a user initiated the registration process or navigated to a key landing page.


2- Analysis

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  • Channel Performance Monitoring:
    • Tagged and categorized different marketing channels (social media, email campaigns).
    • Used GA4 dashboards to monitor real-time traffic and conversion rates from each channel.
    • Bitly Special Links: For specific channels where pinpoint tracking was crucial, Bitly special links were generated.
  • Visitor Behaviour Analysis:
    • Leveraged GA4's enhanced tracking to monitor visitor interactions, time spent on pages, and navigation patterns.
  • Drop-off Analysis:
    • Mapped out the registration process and implemented funnel visualization.
    • Identified stages with high drop-off rates, analysing possible causes and making data-driven recommendations for improvement.

Project Outcomes

The GA4 implementation led to:

    • A comprehensive understanding of which marketing channels delivered the highest ROI.
    • Insights into user behaviour.
    • Identification and subsequent refinement of stages in the registration process where users faced friction, resulting in increased completion rates.

The end